David Kernot bio picture

    David Kernot lives in the mid-north of South Australia. He writes fantasy, science fiction, and horror and has over seventy short story publications throughout Australia, the US, Canada, and the UK. He released his first dark sci-fi indie novel, Gateway Through Time in 2020. It joins two novelettes and five collections of short fiction. More information can be found at his web page, http://www.davidkernot.com and his Amazon page, https://www.amazon.com/David-Kernot/e/B00CJJP82K

In November I was able to attend a workshop on writing horror by author Margot McGovern. At the time Margot mentioned that her new novel, This Stays Between Us, was going to be released through Penguin Books in March, and so, when I heard she was doing a book launch for it, I went with my awesome author sister, Sharon Kernot, to support Margot. That’s what you do!

I bought the novel, as you should, and got it signed with a wonderful inscription, and I have to say that I did enjoy the launch that happened in the wonderful site of Dymock’s in Adelaide. The awesome Lisa L. Hannett was MC, and she did a fantastic job at making the night even more memorable. It was humbling to be surrounded by so many published authors. The book cover was awesome, only made better if the droplets of blood on the cover would have been raised off the paper, but otherwise I have no complaints about the dark cover. Something that resonated with me was when Margot talked about this story and having had to write it because of the way she felt while she wrote it. That tingling sensation she spoke about helped me focus on the most important piece of work I should be focusing on, so I thank her for that.

Four girls share a cabin on their school retreat – in an abandoned town where the ghost of Smiling Jack is known to haunt the isolated campers…

What could possibly go wrong? Go buy Margot’s book and find out!

At some stage Margo read from her book. Lisa also asked a bunch of questions based on a swinging gemstone that landed on some symbols… It was a fantastic night. There were even bead bracelets on offer and freshly cooked purple cup cakes! Here are some photos of Margo (centre), with Lisa (left), and some have Adelaide’s Dymocks manager (right) at the amazing Dymocks Adelaide building (remind me to get a photo of the stunning ceiling soon when I go there to write over lunch). I was going to edit these, but they are just so good I didn’t want to remove any of the building and don’t think anyone else is identifiable. Again what an awesome Dymocks building!