An update on Project X, maybe it should be Project Y so as not to get confused with anything Twitter-like. But, this month I’ve been very fortunate to visit the Kennedy Space Center, which was awesome. It was also fantastic because Project X/Y has a space theme, and I used some of the data from the Rocket park and added it to the story. Even better, while I was hanging out with some great people in Florida, I was able to get the story count up to 24,000 words, and so it is almost done. I have two more scenes to polish, and I’ll read it through a few more times before pondering what to do with it next.
My other small announcement was that I just had another story I wrote accepted for publication in AntpodeanSF. It’s titled Life In The Murks, and will be out in Issue 306 in April this year. I still need to do the narration for it, but that’s another story.
For reference, this is a full size replica of the Space Shuttle rockets that took the shuttle out into space, and it’s sitting in from of the Shuttle Atlantis Display, where they have Atlantis inside the building. Simply awesome for a science fiction writer.