According to Wikipedia, the Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s to break work into intervals of typically 25 minute duration with a short break. It helps focus people by removing distractions. I’ve used it via a smart app on my phone and it works really well. Some of my stints in public libraries, well mostly every one, has had an episode where somebody has come in and made lots of noise. Gone are the days where libraries are quiet places with librarians whispering in quietly but stern voices to be quiet, that may be something from the movies.
Anyway I discovered that Writers SA has a weekly session that runs for about 3 hours and I thought I’d try it out, foolishly thinking that it would start late and finish early, and might be a bit of fun. Little did I know that it does go for the FULL 3 hours. That’s 25 mins with a five minute break for two sessions with the next one being a 15 minute break. Then the process happens again for two more sessions. That is FIVE 25 minute sessions in the afternoon! I have to say that it was a little grueling for me first time, but enjoyable. I did try the library again, and didn’t write as much as I had in the “Quiet” Writing session. One advantage is that nobody comes in off the street to distract you, and during every 25 minute quiet session, the only sound is turning pages, the odd sigh, and the fervent clicking of computer keys. Everyone is there for one reason only, and that is to get words down on “paper”. I was happy with my experience and have planned to go back next Wednesday for a 1300 hours start! Wish me luck. I’m hoping to increase my word count next time, and it is contributing to my current novel’s progress. I highly recommend it.
For context, for those who are unaware of the location, here are a couple of pics I took on my phone. One was looking out the window at the Mortlock Wing of the Adelaide library (notice how high up I was). The second pic is descending the amazing staircase and on the mid landing I saw an enormous painting of a historical colonization painting (print) of South Australia, celebrating the first settlers.
Here is a link to Writers SA: